Sunday, September 22, 2013

Lost Long Run 9/22

Two runs. A family run and a long run. Was going to go 20+ and loop out around Cornish, but it was too dark and I missed a turn. Ended up doing 16.7. Out the door by 4:45. Scary in the dark, and morning runs kind of suck because they start out so slow. Calves are a little sore, but not overly so - no more sore than they should be.

Out SSSB onto Jackson. Lower East to 120 north to Clark Camp, turned around back down to Townline and home.

Where: Clark Camp and Back
Who: Me
When: 4:45 AM
Weather: 60, rainy.

Total Mileage: 16.7
Total Time: 2:01:11
Average Pace: 7:16

Weekly Mileage: 21.0
Mileage To Go: 20.6
Average Mileage Needed: 4.12

Yearly Mileage: 1420.4
Yearly Barefoot Mileage: 59.9
Yearly Mileage To Go: 579.6
Yearly Barefoot Mileage To Go: 540.1

Bike Time: 48:44

Shoe Mileage
R2s: 1074.65
R3s: 733.0
HMH: 587.1
Barefoot: 310.25
A.Bull: 281.1
R4s: 226.75
Drill Masters: 170.4
KK: 151.83
AI: 101.4

Training Days Until:
Harpoon Octoberfest: October 13th - 20 days
CHaD Half: October 20th - 27 days
Troy Turkey Trot: November 28th - 66 days
HMRRC Winter Marathon: February 16th - 146 days
VT50 2014: September 28th - 370 days

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