Friday, May 23, 2014

5x2k 5/23

Did some 2000s on the track. Was going to do 6, but only 5. Not sure if I talked myself out because my AT was in pain and my right hammy wasn't good, or if I was being soft. Rather safe than sorry with CBHM coming up. They were pretty fast, but felt good.

VT100 Week VI Day VI

Where: WHT
Who: Me
When: 7:45 PM
Weather: 55, cool, drizzle.
Legs: Legs feeling good, tired. Right hammy little sore at end, 3/4. Left AT 1/2 when running, 4/5 by end.

Total Mileage: 10.2
Total Time: 64:22
Average Pace: 6:18

Weekly Mileage: 45.9
Mileage To Go: 0.0-4.1
Average Mileage Needed: 0.0-4.1

Yearly Mileage: 1168.05
Yearly Barefoot Mileage: 23.35
Yearly Mileage To Go: 831.95-1331.95-1831.95

Treadmill Miles: 326.5

Shoe Mileage
AI: 1091.9
Flo-Jay: 638.6
Barefoot: 348.65
Drill Masters: 298.2
KK: 165.08
Sams: 128.0
Blue Goat: 56.5

Training Days Until:
CBHM: June 1st - 8 days
Vermont 100: July 19th - 57 days
VT50 2014: September 28th - 130 days

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