Friday, November 23, 2012

Ankle Tweeeeaking 11/23

Don't really post just injury related, but figured as this is something ongoing, I would. There is some tweaking going on above my left ankle, sort of towards the back. I've self diagnosed as peroneal tendonitis, but that's a self diagnosis so who knows... It didn't really show up until after I dealt with my PFPS knee crap and that seemed to just go away with some minor stretching.

The Injury: The ankle has gotten better, and just recently in the last couple of days seems to have gotten tighter, or more painful. For the most part, it's  kind of a dull pain, or a fullness leaving my ankle feeling like it has a lack of flexibility. I've also noticed recently that it only seems to bother me when I'm going down hill... Not sure what it means, but something to think about.

The Plan: Since finishing training for the CHaD, no real important races coming up, a new baby almost here, and impending cold weather, I want to keep my miles low and give myself a break. The last three weeks have seen a mileage increase and this week will hit forty. I know it's not a lot, but I need to throttle back and let my stuff heal. I still want to do at least one long run of 12+ miles a week, a couple 5+ mile days, and as much barefoot mileage as I can. My weekly mileage is not a goal. Hopefully this helps and I can update this in a couple of weeks.

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