Saturday, November 24, 2012

2013 Goals

I did this last year, but it got lost on my old blog. I know I met some of my goals, but not sure which, and not sure which I didn't even come close. Going to do it again this year. Last year were pretty much all time oriented race results; this year I'm hoping to incorporate some other types of goals.

Two years ago I went over 2000 miles for the year rather easily; this past year, for whatever reason, I'm going to just barely hit 1800. For 2013 I want to do 2000 miles. That's an average of 5.48 miles a day which should be doable. Of my 2000 mile goal, I'd like to do about 600 miles barefoot. I think it is a reachable goal, especially considering I'm doing around 13 miles a week barefoot now and it's winter.

Longest streak this past year was 130 days with an average 7.16 miles per day. I'd love to go longer than 130 days, maybe a full half a year. Not really big on the miles per day though so...

Long Runs
I want to keep my weekly long runs around the 12+ range, and anytime I can get more I will. That said, I'd like to do at least one twenty miler every month (though this might be ambitious) and a couple of 30+ runs as well.

Not much I can do about crazy wonky injuries like broken toes or car accidents, etc. I would like to keep the overuse injuries to a minimum. This shouldn't be a goal, but at the same time, I need to listen more and pay more attention to aches and pains. If I need to take a day off, or slack up on training, that's okay. I'd rather lose a day than a month.

Dead Skunk Goals
I'd like to meet another person or two in Windsor, or at least the Windsor area to do some training with. I've seen a couple people running who look like they could be faster. We'd need four to compete at the Harpoon Octoberfest, and with Justin and I, we'd only need two more.

Distance Specific Goals
I only have a few races I'll be able to compete in, and a few time trials. I have to be selective so... Some goals will be attainable, others are more of a two-five year plan.

While I didn't race any 1600s in 2012, I did do two time trials. Both ended in 4:52s. Not bad. I think breaking 5:00 was one of my goals from last year. This year I'd like to get at least one race in. Probably end up running it at one of the Summer meets up in Hannover. Unfortunately, they meet on Thursdays so... Either way, I'd like to go sub-4:45. Pretty sure I could do it in a race, however just a time trial might lead to some difficulties...

Don't think I ran any true 5ks this year. There were a couple on the list, but... The closest I'll come to racing a 5k is probably Harpoon Octoberfest. Kind of tough to put a goal on that one but I'd like to go under 19:45 - at least go through the 5k in sub-17:00. I also want to place in the top three and tally up some free beer.

Another race I probably won't run many of. Probably one or two. Either the Troy Turkey Trot - which I'd rather - or the Hanover Turkey Trot. Ideally I could do the TTT and go 34:45. If I were to do the HTT I'd want to place in the top 3 and go sub 35:00. TTT is much flatter than the HTT.

Half Marathon
I think this is a big race for me this year. Performed quite well at CBHM in 2012 and like crap thanks to a vicious side stitch at CHaD. CBHM will be a trick because I'm not yet sure if I'm going to do the Shires which is two weeks before. Not sure how I'll fair if I run a marathon and then a half... Ideally this year I'd like to go under 1:15 at CBHM, though sub 1:16 would be decent. CHaD is a much tougher course, but all the same a 1:16:xx would be nice.

Last time I ran a marathon was in 2011. Broke 3:00, but ran some awful splits. Think I might get two in this year. One in February and one in May. Have to double check but I think both are BQs. I'd love to get under 2:55 and qualify for Boston for 2014. Pretty positive I can run faster than a 2:55, just need to keep my splits about me, and do some training before hand...

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